The Laughing Matriarch

The Laughing Matriarch
ma·tri·arch/ˈ A woman who is the head of a family or tribe.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

I Should be a Jewish Mother...

I make a brisket you would be lucky to taste. I smother my children with love and brag about them to strangers on the street. And I love, love, love latkes. I seem to have some sort of natural talent for concocting crispy, subtly-sweet potato pancakes. Could be the non-Jewish bacon fat I use instead of schmaltz. I mean, who has schmalzt when you need it?

Since it's the first night of Hanukkah and I hate being left out of celebrations, I cooked up some of my infamous latkes with home- made applesauce, and sour cream and chives to serve alongside a pork roast. I said I should be a Jewish mother...

                                      Lovely Little Latkes

Eggs, potatoes, bread crumbs, onions and some other stuff.



Bacon fat..yes please.

Fry it up in the pan.

                                      Latkes and pork...after the bacon fat all bets are off.

Anytime a person goes into a delicatessen and orders a pastrami on white bread, somewhere a Jew dies. Milton Berle