The Laughing Matriarch

The Laughing Matriarch
ma·tri·arch/ˈ A woman who is the head of a family or tribe.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Apple Crisp

Three years ago I moved to the 'Apple Capitol  of the World."

Who knew?

Unfortunately the place is on fire.

Fortunately many of the apples have been picked and the folks out there picking the apples are tough and have a fantastic work ethic..being from Mexico and all.

ANYWAY, I recently found this recipe because I have about 100 pounds of apples on my own tree and in the past I have make applesauce, apple butter, apple crisp, apple Brown Betty, apple pancakes, apple juice, apple pop tarts (recipe a few posts back) apple bread...well, you get the drift.

So I needed a new recipe and lucky for me I found this fantastic cupcake site where I found this yummy, yummy apple cupcake recipe:

I make my own Apple Butter from this recipe:

Another way to make these cupcakes is to say the hell with it and buy a box of white cake mix or I am thinking a spice cake box recipe, make the frosting and toss in homemade or...if you must, store bought apple butter and toss it in the mix.

As for me, I had to leave Apple Country for a week because the smoke was driving me crazy and I couldn't go outside and pick my apples. I'm here on an island with my mom, so I won't be cooking for a bit.

Which is nice.

"I tell you, all politics is apple sauce." -- Will Rogers